Star sapphire for everything!
An important question is sometimes asked about where and when the Star Sapphire approach can be applied, or how it can be useful.
Safar has created a fun comic which offers an example of how the work might apply in ordinary life. And it is not as crazy as it sounds!
Gender identity and the Star sapphire aproach
Leela was recently asked: “How do you relate Star Sapphire Energywork to the current discourse on gender identity?”
Community life
Sudas has written an article exploring meditative communities, their value and the challenges that might pop up. He lived at Osho Risk, Denmark, for more than 30 years.
How valuable is it to be part of a community?
Ask a Question
If you have a question about the star sapphire work – as a receiver or session giver – Moumina will answer it.