Islam offers individual and couples therapy in Bristol UK including Star Sapphire and also integrating Star Sapphire principles into family constellation, hypnotherapy and other approaches. His male side likes to move, any way at all, and he’s currently trying indoor rock climbing though “so far only the easiest climbs”.
He writes: “I first met Sagarpriya 30 years ago and I feel blessed to have done so. In my own life, Star Sapphire has been the outstandingly helpful healing method out of the many I’ve experienced or trained in. Working as a therapist, it’s radically different from most Western therapies in that it starts by “nourishing the positive” – first of all meeting the person in areas where they are already meditative, happy, and flowing in life. It always delights me to see how people’s faces light up when they find they’re talking about what is good about them, not primarily what’s problematic.”
In-person sessions in Bristol UK