Inner Man Inner Woman

Discovering the Inner Duality

with Safar

Each of us has both a masculine and feminine polarity that has shaped us since we were young. Emotional and rational parts that often go against each other, one dominates, manipulates, and usurps, the other gives in to it. This imbalance is then mirrored in our relationships. As we have a relationship between polarities inside, so are our relationships outside. If you want to improve your relationships, you must first recognize the relationship within. And it is on recognizing the inner dynamics that we will focus in this weekend\'s experiential workshop.

What you will experience:

  • We will focus on exploring our inner polarities and how they don\'t work together
  • We will ask ourselves many questions, meditate, use practical exercises to discover the things that weigh us down and make us happy, and work with our emotions
  • We will learn how to identify our inner parts and create a conversation between them
  • You will discover which part of you is dominant, which part is submissive, and what the implications are in your daily life

Why sign up?

The newly recognized dynamic between the masculine and feminine polarities is the first step towards balancing them and helping you to better perceive yourself, your needs and boundaries, and to be kind to yourself. It will translate positively into your relationships - partner, family and work.

In which situations the workshop is beneficial?

  • When you are dealing with problems in your relationships (partner, family, work)
  • If you are dissatisfied at work
  • If you need to make an important decision
  • When you are looking for a deeper meaning in life
  • When you feel that you are doing well but still feel some dissatisfaction
  • If you want to know yourself better

Good to know:

  • The safe environment of a small group guarantees the individual approach of the group leader, the confidentiality of all participants and, above all, a strong sense of belonging. Friday evening will be devoted to getting to know each other and meditation exercises, Saturday and Sunday will be devoted to techniques for working with the inner female and male polarities.
  • The multi-day format and the interaction with other workshop participants will allow us to go into greater depth and initiate changes more quickly than in individual therapy.
  • The workshop is also suitable for participants with no previous experience of this method of therapy or any other form of therapy. You can come to the workshop alone or with a friend.

14 Mar 2025 - 16 Mar 2025
Osho Uta, Köln, Germany
00 49-2215 74070 (11.00 -16.00)