In a Star Sapphire individual session the therapist will first listen to the issue you bring to the session. During this interview she may also inquire into the state of affairs with your work, relationship and meditation.
Once the interview is completed, she will spend a short time reading the energy in each of your seven chakras as well as your male and female energies by holding the right and left foot respectively.
After this introductory stage the session can take many directions depending on the nature of your issue, and the “information” the session giver has received during the introduction. The session giver may set up the male and female pair in a gestalt, she may work with a past life regression or focus on bringing awareness to the present moment by using short guided meditations. Typically, a Star Sapphire session may last up to 2 hours and often clients say they received life changing insights during the session, and will spend quite some time after a session integrating these insights into daily life.
It is great to receive a Star Sapphire session in person, but it is also possible to have one online. In this case the session giver will use an eye patch to cover the left or right eye when talking to the male or female person inside you.
If you like to book a Star Sapphire session you can find the contact details on the facilitators page.
some videos for you
In the video below you will see a short overview of what a session may look like, or what may happen in a session.
If you are interested in more detailed information about the Star Sapphire session and its background you can watch the video below. This video is an interview with Safar. It is conducted in the Czech language with English subtitles.